YACL completes RESQTEC "Disabled Aircraft Recovery Kit Training", enhancing its operational efficiency and preparedness for safety

YACL completes RESQTEC "Disabled Aircraft Recovery Kit Training", enhancing its operational efficiency and preparedness for safety


Technicians from Yangon Aerodrome Company Limited (YACL), Yangon International Airport (YIA) operator, concluded one-week training in the Aircraft Recovery Kit Equipment.

The High-tech Aircraft Recovery kit utilizes specialized equipment to remove immobilized aircraft in the movement area as part of its commitment to provide an efficient, secure, and safe operation to all passengers and stakeholders of YIA.

YACL invested in RESQTEC equipment, which uses trademarked inflatable bags to lift and move the aircraft smoothly and swiftly off the operational areas if the aircraft faces an incident /accident during landing or take-off.

It is crucial to minimize runway closure time and additional damage to the aircraft during the removal process. In addition, aircraft recovery/removal is a complex process with significant risks, therefore with safety and operational efficiency in mind, 42 participants from the various YACL Departments and other support entities participated in the training.

The following departments are included: 

- Airport Operations
- Engineering and Maintenance
- Airport Rescue and Fire and Fighting
- Safety Office

The achieved objective was to familiarize YACL teams with the equipment, learn which tools to deploy for different scenarios and aircraft types, and understand how an aircraft recovery response plan can be enhanced with RESQTEC equipment. The training was paired with practical demonstrations and ended with scenario planning and evaluation, which the team passed with flying marks.

YACL wishes to express our congratulations to the team for completing the training and the support received from the involved stakeholders.

Remaining committed to maintaining the highest operational efficiency and safety levels on YIA operation, the RESQTEC equipment will enhance YACL’s ability to remove aircraft immobilized in the Movement Areas.


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